Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Lapse in Etiquette

        I love Smarty.  I really do...some days more than others.  Puppies just seem to arrive with so much baggage though.  While we took our short walk this morning, Smart found something horribly gross smelling to roll and rub his neck and one shoulder through.  I don't know what it was, but since we live in the country, you can let your imagination go to work. As soon as I got close enough to smell him, we came directly into the house and he had a shower.  I like a little perfume myself, but really, Smart boy, what were you thinking?

Smarty Phineous Welsh Corgi as a "mature"  three year old.

                                    Lately he's had a few other lapses in etiquette:

- Like the day he decided to visit the neighbor's dogs with out an invitation.

- Or what about when he hears me call him and perks up his ears before he looks in my direction.  Then his brain tells him that I must not mean him as he has important stuff to do.  His head drops  back down and he continues to to whatever he was busy with before I so rudely interrupted him.

- The other night Riley Dog came over, and Smarty immediately let Riley know that this was his house and everything in it belonged to him...including all the people. 

"That's no way to treat a guest," I told Smarty.

But he just looked at me and trotted off to the other side of the table.

      Wouldn't it be great to know what's going on in their brains.  How much do they understand?  What makes them mind sometimes and other times not at all?  Could it be that they're smarter than we are?  What do you think?  Please comment.

Smarty and I'll be back soon.


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