Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why 1000 Creative Ideas and More?

Mrs. Delany was widowed at 68 and started her life's biggest accomplishment four years later.  Her goal was to create 1000 paper flower "mosaiks".  She didn't quite make it.  Her eyesight failed after 10 years, so she only finished 985 of her fabulous pictures.  Just as amazing as the number she made is the fact that Mrs. Delany was born in 1700 when supplies were quite hard to get.  Her flower pictures have been preserved for over 200 years and can still be seen in a museum in Britain.

Mrs. Delaney just proves that we're never too old to begin.  Although I wasn't quite as old as she was when her husband died, I too am a widow trying to find my own way.  My goal is to make 1000 creative pieces about women of the past, their lifestyles, their fashions, their stories and then  share them so you may be motivated to learn more about our remarkable sex.  After all, at least 50% of the world's population is female!

There is one special male in my life who wants to be part of this blog.  At nearly 3 years old, Smarty Phineous Welsh Corgi has become a good companion to me.  Not great, but improving.  At first, the division of power looked like this: Smarty 80% Me 20% I'm now thinking it's more like this: Smarty 60% Me 40% Of course, that might be optimistic of me. Smarty's pretty much his own "man."

Smarty & I will be back soon.

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